University of Tennessee Library Council Bylaws
January 2012
Article I – Name
The name of this group shall be the University of Tennessee Library Council (hereinafter “UTLC”)
Article II – Purpose
Purposes of the UTLC:
- To advance the operations of the University of Tennessee libraries for the benefit of faculty, students, staff, administrators and practitioners.
- The UTLC develops positions, long-term plans and strategy for library resources and services and communicates these to other University groups and offices including the Faculty Senate, the Office of the President, and the Office of Academic Affairs and Student Success.
- The UTLC is a coordinating body which acts through consensus around issues of commmon interest to all University of Tennessee campus libraries
Article III – Membership
Regular Membership
The UTLC consists of the Deans and Directors of each of the University of Tennessee libraries: the John C. Hodges Library, Lupton Library, the Paul Meek Library, the Health Sciences Center Library, Law Library, Preston Medical Library, Space Institute Library.
Membership Representative.
When a member Dean/Director position is vacant or is on extended leave, the acting or interim Dean/Director, or other person in charge, shall represent their library and have the rights and privileges of a representative, except that he or she may not hold office in the UTLC.
Council acts through consensus and each regular member shall have one vote. In the event that a member or representative cannot be present at the meeting, a verbal proxy, obtained in advance of the meeting by the Chair can be used as the vote.
Article IV – Offices
Elected Officers.
Section 1. Elected Officers. There shall be a Chair and a Secretary. Normally the Secretary shall become the Chair after the term as Secretary. The officers positions shall rotate yearly and shall begin and end with the new fiscal year, July 1. The Chair and Secretary shall be selected at the spring meeting of the UTLC. The officers shall serve without compensation.
Appointed Officers
The UTLC will appoint representatives to various organizations and/or University wide committees or councils as deemed necessary to represent the University of Tennessee Library Council’s positions. Three-year terms are recommended.
Each officer shall perform those duties decreed by convention or parliamentary practice or by direction of the UTLC, subject to specific provisions or limitations made in these bylaws or by the university governances.
Shall schedule, coordinate and preside at a minimum of 2 meetings each year and shall represent the UTLC on all official University of Tennessee Libraries business and communications.
Shall keep accurate minutes and distribute them in a timely manner.
Article V – Meetings
The UTLC shall meet a minimum of 2 meetings each year. The schedule of meetings shall be determined at the final meeting of the fiscal year for the coming year. The Chair shall distribute an agenda prior to the meeting. The quorum at any meeting of the UTLC shall be the members present.
Drafted and Approved by the UTLC, January 2012