In April 2018, the University of Tennessee (UT) will partner with the Tennessee Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges (TMATYC) to host the first joint Math Summit for faculty, teaching assistants, and administrators. The event will be held in Martin, Tennessee and will feature nationally-recognized speaker, Maria Andersen, as the keynote, in addition to a variety of other engaging sessions, networking, and professional development opportunities. Please make plans to join us in Martin, Tennessee next spring as we continue building and expanding important partnerships between two- and four-year institutions in our state.

Theme:    Solving for X: A Summit on Collaboration in Mathematics

Location: Martin, Tennessee in the Boling University Center

Dates:      April 6th and April 7th

Time:       Beginning at 1pm on Friday, April 6th and ending by 12:30pm on Saturday, April 7th

Who:       All UT and TMATYC faculty, GTAs, and administrators

Website: Please visit our full conference website HERE to learn more (link coming soon!)



Last Updated November 15, 2017