Can I earn an online degree from a UT campus?

Yes. UT online degree programs make earning a degree possible for all students, whether they are working professionals, parents, out-of-state residents or simply looking for the flexibility of computer-based learning.

For more information regarding a specific campus’s online program, visit the links below:

How do I get a new academic program approved?

If you would like to start the process of getting a new academic program approved, be sure to speak with your campus’ chief academic officer first. If you are ready to proceed or have questions about the approval process, contact Karen Galicia, director of academic affairs, at

How is an honorary degree awarded?

The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees authorizes the awarding of honorary degrees to recognize individuals who have benefited the institution or society through outstanding achievements or leadership.

Criteria included in nominating and considering candidates for honorary degrees are:

  • Each campus of the University of Tennessee may award up to three honorary degrees each year.
  • University employees shall not be eligible for nomination during their employment. In addition, elected officials and University of Tennessee Board of Trustees members shall not be eligible for nomination prior to completion of their terms of service.
  • Each campus shall develop specific procedures for nominating and considering honorary degree recipients.

Full policy: BT0005 – Policy on Awarding Honorary Degrees →